​​Question 1: Where can I find your products?
Our products are sold in most local Asian markets nationwide and Canada.
Some of our products can be purchased online through Amazon.com.

In Vietnam, you can find our products under Long Hong Quan, www.longhoangquan.com.

For European countries, you can get our products through Herman Kuijper, www.hermankuijper.com.

If you need assistance in locating a market carrying our products, please contact us at (714) 283-3663 and toll free 1(866) 786-2843 or email us at info@quocviet.com

Question 2: Can we order directly from you?
Our business is wholesales. If you live far away from markets that are carrying our products, we will gladly ship directly to you. 

Question 3: Do you use any preservatives in your products?
No, our products do not contain any preservatives. All flavors are processed from natural ingredients. 

Question 4: Are your products perishable?
Answer: Our products are not perishable. They are shelf-stable. You can store them at ambient temperature even after opening. Refrigeration is not required.

Question 5: Are your products contain monosodium glutamate (MSG)?
Answer: No, our products do not have Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) added. 

Question 6: Are there cooking direction on your products?
Yes, there are cooking directions on all our products. The directions are on the products labels and it is in English, Vietnamese and some with Chinese.

Our Canadian products have English, French and Vietnamese cooking directions. 
Retail jar

  • ​For 2 gallons - use entire contents of soup base 10-oz (283 g).
  • For 1 gallon - use 1/2 of the jar which is 5-oz (142 g).
  • For 8-oz bowl - use 2 teaspoons (9 g) or adjust to your taste. 
Question 7: Who are using your products?
Our products have been sold in the markets for more than 10 years. Most markets repeat order from 1-2 months. Restaurants, hospitals, rehab centers, schools and casinos are using food service sizes that are weighted from 2.5-3.5 lb. Each unit is for 10 gallons or 100 bowls. 

Question 8: Do you have food-service sizes?
Yes, we have two food-service sizes. The 3-lb unit size (some are packed in 2.5 & 3.5 lb) is for 10 gallons of finished products. Each case contains 6 units. Also, we have the large carton size. Each carton is 40 to 45-lb and it is for 150 gallons of finished products.

If you can't find your answer, please email us your questions info@quocviet.com